Everyone has questions about how to best communicate their knowledge. How can statisticians share their expertise clearly and effectively in presentations and in their writing?
Is it the message that makes a presentation great? Is it the delivery? Or, is it the strong conviction projected by the speaker? Maybe it is a combination of all of these things? And how can you increase the chances of getting your paper published or your grant proposal funded?
Join a conversation that will give you some time-tested advice to help you navigate these tough questions.
Target Audience: Anyone is invited to attend!
Speakers are distinguished statistical leaders from academia and industry who bring an incredible wealth of experience and perspective. Each panelist will share ideas that focus on the priorities they bring when they prepare for a presentation or are writing a paper or grant. In addition, both will provide advice and guidance for those who are non-native English speakers.
If you have questions about presenting or writing up your research, then this conversation is one that you won't want to miss!
This is the second in a series of virtual meet-ups for the NISS Academic Affiliate's audience.
Future virtual meet-up topics will be announced soon!
Confirmed Speakers:
Christy Chuang-Stein, PhD - Presentation Skills
Christy Chuang-Stein, PhD, received a bachelors degree in mathematics from National Taiwan University and her PhD in statistics from University of Minnesota. She retired from Pfizer as Vice President and Head of the Statistical Research and Consulting Center in July 2015, after 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry and 5 years in academia (University of Rochester). Currently, Dr. Chuang-Stein is the owner and Principal Consultant of Chuang-Stein Consulting, LLC. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) with more than 160 peer-reviewed scientific publications/book chapters and 3 books. Dr. Chuang-Stein received the ASA’s Founders’ Award in 2012 and the Distinguished Achievement Award of the International Chinese Statistical Association in 2014. She is currently serving on several ASA committees and is the chair of the Affiliates Committee of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences.
Limin Peng, PhD - Writing Skills
Limin Peng, PhD, MS, is Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University. Dr. Peng obtained her PhD in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her MS in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Her methodological research focuses on survival analysis, quantile regression, and nonparametric and semiparametric inference. She serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of American of Statistical Association and Biometrics. Dr. Peng was elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2016 and received the American Public Health Association Mortimer Spiegelman Award in 2017.
Mimi Kim (moderator) - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Event Type
- NISS Hosted