Haley Jeppson is a new NISS Research Associate. Haley just started work on data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). She is working on a project with her advisor at Iowa State, Dr. Heike Hofmann, on the graphical representation of education statistics for national data collected by NCES.
Why Statistics? Why Data?
“My interest in statistics stems from their ubiquitous nature and my interest in exploring many different fields. The challenge is that there are massive amounts of interesting data available, but it is sometimes very difficult to get ahold of it.”
“I would describe my path up to this point as a bit of a meander as I have enjoyed many different hats. It was only in grad school that I found a way to link many of my interests. With statistics and, in particular, statistical graphics, I could harmonize my academic background in mathematics and graphic design, applying one side to investigate and describe phenomena and the other to better communicate the findings.”
When asked what it has been like working on a NISS project, she replied, “It’s been a whirlwind so far, but I am happy to be here!” Haley describes herself as a hobby enthusiast.
In her spare time Haley enjoys gardening, crafting, reading, and spending time in nature with her husband Jules and dog Otis.
We look forward to working with and learning more about Haley and are excited about the energy and contributions that she will bring to the research challenges put into her path!
Welcome to the NISS family Haley!