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By Raymond P. Bain, PhD Clinical Trial Design A clinical research design “toolbox” consists of both observational and interventional designs.  A clinical trial is a prospective study comparing the effect of one or more interventions against a control intervention on a pre-specified... more
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The following was written by David Banks, Professor of Statistics at Duke University and member of the NISS Board of Trustees. Survey science is a lot like global warming. We all realize that we are watching a slow-motion disaster, but very little is being done to manage the consequences. The... more
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Nominations are being sought for the 2016 Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research. The prize recognizes sustained, high-quality, cross-disciplinary research involving the statistical sciences. An award of $1,000 will be presented during the NISS/SAMSI reception at JSM in... more
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NISS Board of Trustees member wrote an article for Huffington Post about the Powerball Jackpot. Here is a link to the article:
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The following was written by NISS director Nell Sedransk as she reflects on the accomplishments of 2015 and looks forward to 2016. The year 2015 has been a very exciting time for NISS: for NISS - celebrating the 25th Anniversary, and for me personally - taking over as the third NISS Director,... more
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Ray Bain joined the NISS Board of Trustees in July of this year and will be serving a three-year term. NISS staff member Jamie Nunnelly sat down with Ray recently to get to know him better. Ray grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, better known as the Windy City. He moved to Philadelphia when he... more
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After a glorious 23-year career at NISS, Martha Williamson has announced she is retiring. It is hard for many of us to think of NISS without Martha. When you come to NISS she is usually the first person you see. Martha was initially interviewed for a position at NISS by Jerry Sacks in 1991 when... more
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Where were you born/where did you grow up? I grew up in  Höxter, Germany, a small town near the northern part of West Germany. The easiest way to find it is to look at a map of Autobahns, and pick the spot that is farthest away from any of them.    Where did you go to school (... more
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Press Release
NISS announced that its new Director is Dr. Nell Sedransk. The announcement was made by Chairwoman Mary Batcher. "The search committee felt that Nell was the best person for this position. She brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role of Director and has done a tremendous job... more
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Drug development has always been a high-risk enterprise. It requires sustained optimism in the face of repeated failures. Define a successful drug as a drug that has been approved for marketing by regulators. Define success rate as the rate of successful drugs among all drugs that have been entered... more
