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To honor the work and actions of the late Ingram Olkin, an eminent statistician, mentor and contributor to social causes, NISS brings together experts and researchers from a variety of fields and backgrounds to Statistics Serving Society forums.  The focus of these forums is to spotlight a... more
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(See Event page) “This was a wonderful and informative presentation, and a real call for our communities to get engaged in joining the discourse about the uncertainty of even the best science, and to keep open communication among the various opinion camps.” Jim Rosenberger, (Director, NISS... more
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What are the challenges and changes that have happened to teaching stats and data science in grades K-12 over the years? What has worked? How do we best equip our students with the data skills they need, after all, the kids in school today are the future!  The goal of this session was to... more
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One of the special capacities of NISS is to find experts who are willing to share valuable knowledge and experience of cutting-edge approaches that help others understand and tackle unique statistical issues. This tenth and final Essential Data Science for Business session is no exception.  (... more
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Press Release
NISS is very pleased to announce new board members whose terms will officially begin on July 1, 2021.  New elected members to the NISS Board of Trustees include Nancy Potok, Aarti Shah and Eric Tchetchen Tchetchen.  New members of the board serving as appointed... more
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What a year!  During 2020-2021 the general public has been confronted by huge amounts of statistical, medical and public health concepts, methods, and results related COVID-19 and the pandemic.  What have we learned about the transmission and understanding by the public of this volume of... more
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The First CANSSI-NISS Health Data Science Workshop was held not in Waterloo, Ontario as was originally planned but virtually hosted by NISS on Zoom May 7 through 8, 2021. (see Event page) Nearly 200 statisticians and health data scientists from the U.S. and Canada logged into a variety of... more
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The current pandemic crisis is notable for the vast amount of traffic in official and unofficial information and claims.  Who better to offer some personal insights into the challenges of trying to bring some illumination to the statistics about the pandemic than Sir David Spiegelhalter.... more
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When a study is disrupted by COVID-19, investigators are faced with the question of what to do next. Should they simply analyze the current data and reach a conclusion? If the trial is re-started with a new recruitment phase, is it permissible to change the target sample size or modify the... more
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[Please Note: The 2020-2021 competition has come to a close and the judges have made their decisions.  The winners of the first contest can be found below. Information about the Spring 2022 competition can be found following the link below:  The Spring 2022 NISS SAID in... more
